Norjalais-ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Enigma Experience julkaisi uuden singlen ”The Zone”.
Kappale on kirjoitettu kitaristi Niklas Källgrenin pojalle, jolla on autismi.
”The song deals with the difficulties for a person having a different mind coping with living in this world. Walking in your own zone not paying much attention to the outside world, but also the realisation that when reaching out you are not alone.”
“The meaning of the song can easily be applied to any kind and any grade of tendencies towards psychological or mental problems like angst or depression,” he adds. “If you look yourself in the mirror there are probably times when you felt like shutting down the outside world to live in your own zone, even if just for a while.”
Yhtye julkaisee debyyttinsä ”Question Mark” 13.11.2020.

Realityline (10:55)
Lonewolf (04:05)
Mighty Mind (04:08)
Corruption (07:47)
Equilibrium (03:57)
In my mind my secret place (06:48)
The Z (02:48)
The Zone (07:05)
Lähde: Grand Sounds PR
Kuva: Enigma Experience
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.