Eluveitielta uusi musiikkivideo “Ambiramus”


Sveitsiläinen folk metal –yhtye Eluveitie on julkaissut uuden singlen ja Grupa13 ohjaamaan musiikkivideon kappaleesta “Ambiramus”. Kyseessä on yhtyeen toinen lohkaisu 5.4.2019 ilmestyvältä ”Ategnatos”-levyltä.

Eluveitie nähdään tulevan levyn myötä myös Suomessa yhdessä Lacuna Coilin sekä Infected Rainin kanssa. Luvassa on keikat Helsingin Tavastialla 13.12.2019 ja seuraavana iltana Tampereen Pakkahuoneella.

Chrigel Glanzmann kommentoi uutta singleä seuraavasti:

Here you go – the next single off our upcoming album: “Ambiramus”!
It’s definitely one of the most exceptional songs from our discography! “Ambiramus” comes in quite groovy and with a light-hearted, yet racing folk reel in the chorus and a very accessible overall appearance; easily the brightest song we’ve ever written. Yet at the same time it goes to where the actual magic of traditional Celtic folk music exists: a place where cheerfulness and melancholy, hardship and hope, glee and deep mysticism meet to become one! And this deep, wistful yet hopefull mysticism is also found in the song’s lyrics, which will take you to the very core of the Celtic mythology the album contemplates. “Ambiramus” (gaulish for ”Voyage”) is based on a late Celtic literary tradition – the so-called Immrama tales.

“Ambiramus” is the last song we wrote for the album and it’s probably the result of and a testimony to the very inspiring and creative atmosphere, in which we created “Ategnatos”! The song basically ’fell into place’ after Alain finished the drum tracking, and it was written and arranged in just a few hours.

We hope you enjoy it!

1. Ategnatos
2. Ancus
3. Deathwalker
4. Black Water Down
5. A Cry In The Wilderness
6. The Raven Hill
7. The Silvern Glow
8. Ambiramus
9. Mine Is The Fury
10. The Slumber
11. Worship
12. Trinoxtion
13. Threefold Death
14. Breathe
15. Rebirth
16. Eclipse

17. Ategnatos (Acoustic Version)
18. Ambiramus (Acoustic Version)
19. Threefold Rebirth

Kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola
Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.