Saksan thrash-legenda Destruction julkaisi musiikkivideon tulevan “Diabolical”-levyn nimikappaleesta. Albumi ilmestyy 8.4.2022.

01 Under The Spell
02 Diabolical
03 No Faith In Humanity
04 Repent Your Sins
05 Hope Dies Last
06 The Last Of A Dying Breed
07 State Of Apathy
08 Tormented Soul
09 Servant Of The Beast
10 The Lonely Wolf
11 Ghost From The Past
12 Whorefication
13 City Baby Attacked By Rats
Levyn ennakkotilaukset:
DESTRUCTION laulaja-basisti SCHMIER kommentoi:
“I love the title track of the new record, it represents the album, pure old school and in your face Thrash Metal! We wanted a video that shows our trademarks, so the MAD BUTCHER had to be there! It is only his second appearance in a DESTRUCTION video ever but his most remarkable one so far for sure!”
Lähde: Napalm Records
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.