Demonaz kertoo tulevasta Immortal-albumista “Northern Chaos Gods”


Immortal-keulamies Demonaz kertoo kuuntelusession yhteydessä Carl Begaille antamassaan haastattelussa tulevasta odotetusta Immortal-albumista, joka kantaa nimeä ”Northern Chaos Gods” ja julkaistaan myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Levyn nimikappale on nopea thrash metal –henkinen veto jota kaavaillaan ensimmäiseksi single- ja EP-julkaisuksi alkukesästä. Kyseessä on yhtyeen ensimmäinen levy ilman entistä johtohahmoaan Abbathia ja ensimmäinen studiolevy vuoden 2009 ”All Shall Fallin” jälkeen. Demonazin mukaan Immortalin thrash-vaikutteet ovat läpi ”Northern Chaos Gods” -albumin edelleen vahvasti läsnä:

We never made a plan for this album, we did it song by song. It’s all natural inspiration. When you talk about playing guitar, everyone has a style that develops over many years and becomes your signature in a way. In the back of our heads we wanted to bring something in that was 110% Immortal. We started from scratch in 2015 with the opening track on the album. We wanted a fast opener, and from there we got into the flow that created this album. There were no plans to do it in any sort of style, and I don’t think we’ve ever been as focused on the songwriting as we were for this album. When you’re in a band you want to make a record that’s better than the last one, but I feel that instead of leaving the last album behind I think we moved away from a few of them (laughs). There are a lot of old school feelings on this album. Maybe that old school feeling shines through with the thrash influences that you’re hearing.

Lue lisää tästä.

”Northern Chaos Gods” kappalelista:

1.Northern Chaos Gods
2.Into Battle Ride
3.Gates To Blashyrkh
4.Grim And Dark
5.Called To Ice
6.Where Mountains Rise
7.Blacker Of Worlds
8.Mighty Ravendark

Demonaz – vocals, guitars
Horgh – drums
Peter Tägtgren – session bass

Kuva: Håkon Grav

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