Dark Funeralin ”Let The Devil In” play through -video katsottavissa
Lord Ahriman: Let me start by making it clear that I’m not one of those guitarists who’s trying to show off by making a play-through video. It is not in my interest at all. I have only done this because it was a great interest to see how I play our new single ”Let The Devil In”. And as Guitar World Magazine kindly asked me to make an exception for them, which, for a guitarist like I am, obviously is a great honor. So take it for what it is. This is my very first play-through video. It may not be perfectly filmed, but I hope it can give those of you who have an interest, some kind of insight into the world of my chords and riffs. For those of you who are not familiar with Dark Funeral, this song differs somewhat from the style I / we normally write and play, mainly because it is slower, more drum oriented and perhaps not so technical, but it still holds the true darkness and spirit that is Dark Funeral.
Yhtyeen albumi ”We Are The Apocalypse” julkaistaan 18.3.2022: DarkFuneral.lnk.to/WeAreTheApocalypse
Lähde: Century Media
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.