Cradle of Filthin uusi albumi ”Existence Is Futile” on julkaistu

1. The Fate Of The World On Our Shoulders 2. Existential Terror 3. Necromantic Fantasies 4. Crawling King Chaos 5. Here Comes A Candle... (Infernal Lullaby) 6. Black Smoke Curling From The Lips Of War 7. Discourse Between A Man And His Soul 8. The Dying Of The Embers 9. Ashen Mortality 10. How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose? 11. Suffer Our Dominion 12. Us, Dark, Invincible

Cradle of Filth on julkaissut uusimman albuminsa ”Existence Is Futile”. 

‘Existence Is Futile’ is the apocalyptic conclusion of three years of Cradle Of Filth world touring and is definitely our most severe album to date, revelling in existential dread, the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of fate in a yawning cosmos and the meaningless of life also being the search for life’s meaning”, Dani Filth kommentoi.

”Heavy stuff indeed and as a wise man was allegedly recently heard to say…
‘The inevitable heat-death of the Universe and subsequent closure of Time and Space itself, could have no better soundtrack than this album’.”  

Levyn tilaukset:

Yhtye suuntaa ”Cruelty And The Beast” -kiertueelle, jonka liput voi ostaa linkin takaa täältä..

Katso levyltä julkaistut musiikkivideot:


Dani Filth | Vocals
Richard Shaw | Guitar
Ashok | Guitar
Daniel Firth | Bass
Martin ‘Marthus’ Skaroupka | Drums
Anabelle | Female vocals, keyboards


Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.