Cattle Decapitation julkaisi uuden videon “A Photic Doom” uudelta levyltään

Kansitaide: Wes Benscoter

San Diegosta tuleva Cattle Decapitation julkaisi uudelta “Terrasite”-levyltään uuden videon “A Photic Doom”. Levy on yhtyeen kymmenes.

Kitaristi Josh Elmore,All the CATTLE hallmarks are there; ripping blasts, abrasive and aggressive guitar/bass riffs and [vocalist] Travis [Ryan]’s varied vocal approach; but this record just feels different. There’s a deep richness to the guitar tones and a more prominent bass guitar presence, the drums parts are assaultive, but tasteful and Travis’ vocals are as varied as they’ve ever been but with an added emotional depth. The whole record sounds like a somber panic attack; like mourning the loss of a loved one at Mach 3. The trademark CATTLE intensity is always there, but this time at paces that range from frantic to controlled and driving but with more focus on menacing heaviness. The ambient and effect-laden guitar presence also takes up a much larger part of the whole experience.

Travis Ryan – vocals
Josh Elmore – lead guitar
Belisario Dimuzio – rhythm guitar
Olivier Pinard – bass
David McGraw – drums

Lähde: Metal Blade Records

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Heavyn moniottelija, vapaa-ajattelija, satanistisuvakki ja humanisti. Metallin maku suussa on vahvasti black-painotteinen, vaikka Judas Priest on se suurin rakkaus. Suunnittelen ja ylläpidän Luolan nettisivua ja brändi-ilmettä. Kirjoitan artikkeleita, arvioita, uutisia ja haastatteluja sekä kuvaan keikat ja festarit. Odotan, että Martti Servo tekisi joskus metallialbumin.