Borknagar julkaisi uuden albumin ”True North” ja musiikkivideon “Voices”-kappaleesta


Borknagar on julkaissut ”Voices” –musiikkivideon tänään ilmestyneeltä uudelta levyltään “True North”. Albumi seuraa vuoden 2016 ”Winter Thrice” –albumia ja miksauksesta sekä masteroinnista vastasi Jens Bogren Fascination Street –studioilla.

Levy esittelee yhtyeen uuden kokoonpanon vokalisti Vintersorgin lähdön jälkeen. Basisti ja myös puhtaita lauluosuuksia yhtyeessä hoitanut I.C.S. Vortex ottaa Vintersorgin lähdön myötä suuremman vastuun vokaaleista yhdessä Lars Nedlandin kanssa.

Borknagarin kappaleessa vokaaliosuudet esittävä Nedland kommentoi:

’Voices’ is a song cut from a different cloth. It was made in one sitting, it was created backwards, and it came to life in a creative frenzy where it felt like it forced itself into existence rather than being consciously written. All the vocals were crafted over a single keyboard note and a simple clicktrack, and the song as it appears on the album is almost frighteningly close to the original demo recording, including many of the original demo vocal takes — though the music is further developed and masterfully enhanced by the eminent musicianship of my fellow Borknamen.

Thematically speaking, ’Voices’ is both an elegy and an introspective celebration of freedom. It’s a musical rendering of longing and a directional push towards breaking the shackles of limitation. A lifetime of contemplation distilled into five minutes of music.

I had images appearing in my mind as I was writing the music, so naturally those images had to come to life as a film to complement it. I have been directing for many years, so I took on the job of piecing everything together myself, in collaboration with Alex Olsson and the production company RedinkFrame. This is how the visual side of ’Voices’ was born. Shot on Alexa with a wide assortment of lenses (including my favourite optical tool, Lensbaby) at 25, 50 and 200 fps, the result came in closer to my vision than I ever imagined possible. This is what voices look like. This is how I imagine their echoes linger in us.

2.Up North
3.The Fire That Burns
5.Wild Father’s Heart
6.Mount Rapture
7.Into The White
10.Wild Father’s Heart (Instrumental Demo Version) * Bonus Track
11. Up North (Demo Version) * Bonus Track

Lähde: Century Media

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.