Bleed From Within julkaisi uuden sinkun ”Night Crossing” – vierailijana Triviumin Matt Heafy

Kuva Bleed From Within

Bleed From Within julkaisee uuden levynsä ”Fracture” 29.5.2020. Yhtye julkaisi levyltä biisin ”Night Crossing”, jossa vierailee Matt Heafy (Trivium).

Bändin kommentit biisistä ja videosta: “We’ve been eager to share this track since we finished it at the start of the year. This is classic BFW song structure and the groove is strong. Matt from Trivium chips in with such a tasty solo towards the end and he absolutely nails it. We’ve been chatting back and forth with him online for a while then after meeting at a show of theirs during Summer last year, the idea came around to get him involved on a new track. We created an opening and Matt’s part was decided. The video was inspired by the numerous video calls we’ve had amongst ourselves, friends and family since entering lockdown. Something fun during these crazy times. Enjoy!”





Lähde: Century Media
Kuva: Bleed From Within

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.