Black metal -yhtye Hornwood Fell tulkitsee Charles Baudelairea ja Edgar Allan Poea tulevalla levyllään

Hornwood Fell
Kuva: Hornwood Fell

Italialainen black metal -yhtye Hornwood Fell julkaisee 26.6.2020 uuden levynsä ”Cursed Thoughts” (Kadabra Music). Muun muassa Edgar Allan Poen ja Charles Baudelairen teksteistä ammentava yhtye julkaisi lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”The Giantess”. Nimi ja kappale juontaa juurensa Baudelairen runosta ”La Géante”.

Levy-yhtiö No Clean Singing kommentoi: ”Driven by the rumble and crack of the drums, and accented by the alluring, otherworldly sheen of briefly appearing keyboards, the song generates a feeling of tension and bleakness through a penetrating riff that chills the bones. As the drumming begins to blast and the riffing becomes a fever, livid death growls begin to voice the poetry. Enlivened by extravagant drum fills, the music seems to flare into the sounds of unbound madness, and then transforms into a frightening calamity through monumental, crushing blows, fanfare-like chords, and the skittering strings of fear.”

”The song’s jolting and jabbing rhythms light a fire under the listener’s pulse, while the roiling and writhing dissonance of the fretwork and the surfacing of eerie reverberating tones send chills down the spine. The air of tension and turmoil doesn’t completely vanish even when, near the end, the drums vanish and the music (with tones reminiscent of a mellotron) becomes seductively and eerily entrancing.”


Lähde: Against PR
Kuva: Hornwood Fell

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