Black metal -yhtye Bythos julkaisi uuden singlen ”Sorath The Opposer”

Kuva: Kristiina Lehto

Tiedote 28.3.2020

Kotimainen black metal -yhtye Bythos on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Sorath The Opposer” tulevalta albumiltaan ”The Womb Of Zero”, joka ilmestyy Terratur Possessionsin kautta 24.4.2020. Bändissä vaikuttaa jäsenistöä Behexenistä sekä Hornasta.

Yhtyettä ja levyä kuvataan seuraavasti:

Musically Bythos combines cold melodies and versatile riffs, creating rich and numinous landscapes which encounters powerful and vicious liturgies. The music supports the lyrical theme of the songs well, and the moods range from oppressive despair to ecstatic praise of the Dark Gods. The theme of the album is an interdimentional view of the underworld and its deities, emphasising strongly on the spiritual evolution to liberate the imprisoned powers and make one with the outer Darkness. The resetting of the Divine plans through Destruction and rise above limitations of Life. Beauty in Destruction, Destruction in Beauty. A sonic interpretation of what once was and our constant path of Devolution towards the Luciferian dawn.

Video: David Thelen

M.S. Vocals (Behexen Official)
M.L. Guitars/Bass (Behexen Official)
L.R. Drums (Horna Official)

Kuva: Kristiina Lehto

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