At The Gates julkaisi uuden albuminsa “The Nightmare Of Being” 2.7.2021 (Century Media Records).
Levy on kuunneltavissa alla kokonaisuudessaan:
At The Gates julkaisi aiemmin myös musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”The Fall Into Time”.
Videon on ohjannutr Costin Chioreanu / Twilight13Media (Arch Enemy, Grave, Borknagar, etc.) here:
Laulaja Tomas Lindberg Redant kommentoi videota ja albumia:
”Hello everybody! As you might have already guessed, this album is our most ambitious effort yet, including a lot of different orchestrations and new takes on arrangements, etc.
This track, ”The Fall into Time” is one of the centerpieces of the album. It is big, demanding and epic. We have always found it intriguing to compose songs like these, think ”Neverwhere”, ”Primal Breath”, ”The Night Eternal” and ”Daggers of Black Haze”. It is heavy, mean and dark, as well as almost cinematic in its thematic approach. I have always said that the At The Gates listener wants to be challenged and that you hopefully all are as curious as we are when it comes to exploring new musical territory. This song is one of those moments… Enjoy!”
”For the video for this more adventurous track we chose to work again with our dear friend and co-conspirator Costin Chioreanu, as we thought that it required a more arty and avantgarde approach. I was, as always, very intrigued to see what he would come up with, as he has a deep understanding of what AT THE GATES is about. He did not disappoint, and this video is a perfect complement to a song like this. Costin went all the way with this one. Truly inspiring!”

Levyn tilaukset:
Lähde: Century Media
Kuva: At The Gates
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.