At The Gates julkaisee uuden albumin ensi vuonna – uutena kitaristina toimii Jonas Stålhammar


At The Gates julkaisee uuden albumin ensi vuonna.

Ruotsalainen melodeath – konkari At The Gates on tekemässä paluuta parrasvaloihin. Yhtye tiedotti Facebook – sivuillaan uudesta kitarististaan sekä tulevasta albumista.

Yhtyeen vuonna 2014 julkaistu paluulevy ”At War With Reality” tulee saamaan jatkoa ensi vuoden puolella. At The Gates siirtyy studioon marraskuussa ja alustavien suunnitelmien mukaan viihtyy siellä ensi vuoden tammikuuhun saakka. Biisejä on valmiina 11 kappaletta. Julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan vuoden 2018 aikana.  Yhtye aloittaa keikkailun myös ensi vuoden puolella.

Uudeksi kitaristiksi on valittu Jonas Stålhammar, joka on tuttu mies mm. The Lurking Fearista sekä God Macabresta.

Alta voit lukea tiedotteen kokonaisuudessaan.

AT THE GATES – Announce new guitarist; Studio album update; First live-shows for 2018!
Swedish melodic Death Metal pioneers AT THE GATES are in the final stages of preparation for their upcoming new album, following up 2014’s acclaimed comeback release, “At War With Reality”.
After the departure announcement of founding guitarist Anders Björler in March, the group is now not only ready to give a comprehensive update on the new album’s status, but they can also announce the newest addition to their line-up ranks…
AT THE GATES are back!
“We have finally decided on a new guitar player, and we are ready to rip again! Actually he was our first choice, and we are happy to have him on board. Jonas Stålhammar has been a friend since the late eighties (Tomas used to tape trade with him back then!), and our paths have crossed many times during our careers.
We were looking for someone who had the same reference points as we do, someone from the same path, so to say, who understand the greatness of both Autopsy and King Crimson. Of course it was essential that our new member could fill the shoes of Anders’ performance-wise as well, but that was never an issue with Jonas. We were looking for someone with a deep understanding of what AT THE GATES are about, someone who could contribute creatively to the band.
Jonas Stålhammar will be a full member from day one, and will play on the upcoming full length album, scheduled for recording in November 2017 – January 2018.
We currently have 11 songs ready for said album, and are more inspired than perhaps ever before. You can expect a full-on AT THE GATES record with all the classic elements of the band. It is by far the most comprehensive album of the band to date, and will span all the way across the different elements of the band’s sound.
We are super-excited for 2018. It will be a good year for AT THE GATES, and our fans, for sure.”

Adrian Erlandsson – Drums
Jonas Björler – Bass
Tomas Lindberg – Vocals
Jonas Stålhammar – Guitar
Martin Larsson – Guitar

Kuva:Ester Segarra

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