Asphyx julkaisi uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon tulevalta albumiltaan

Kuva: Pete Alander

Asphyx on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”The Nameless Elite” tulevalta levyltään ”Necroceros”.

Albumi ilmestyy 22.1.2021 Century Median kautta ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä. Axel Hermannin kansitaide ja kappalelista on katsottavissa alta.

LP taltioitiin Tom Meierin Tom Meier Studio sekä kitaristi Paul Baayensin The Mörserstudioilla ja lopullisen miksauksen sekä masteroinnin hoiti Sebastian “Seeb” Levermann Greenman Studioilla.

Keulamies Martin Van Drunen kommentoi uutta singleä seuraavasti:

“This third single of our forthcoming ‘Necroceros’ album is entitled “The Nameless Elite” and is about modern-day warfare, especially about the brave men and women in the many international elite units that combat any form of terror to protect us all against violent acts of insanity.

We thought the location at the Overloon War Museum was a fantastic one to shoot a video for any kind of song dealing about war and the Sherman tank in the clip actually did serve during WWII on the battlefields in that area. It may not be directly related to the content of the track, but ASPHYX is a band that has always and will always take on any subject concerning war, without glorifying it. War is Hell.

We would very much like to thank the wonderful cooperative people of the Overloon War Museum in The Netherlands for giving us permission to shoot there, causing pleasant chaos with our noise and smoke!”

1. The Sole Cure Is Death
2. Molten Black Earth
3. Mount Skull
4. Knights Templar Stand
5. Three Years Of Famine
6. Botox Implosion
7. In Blazing Oceans
8. The Nameless Elite
9. Yield Or Die
10. Necroceros


Lähde: Century Media
Kuva: Pete Alander

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.