Asagraum julkaisi uuden singlen “They Crawl From The Broken Circle”

Kuva: Pete Alander/

Monikansallinen black metal –yhtye Asagraum on julkaissut Metal Hammerin kautta uuden singlen ”They Crawl From The Broken Circle”.

Yhtye julkaisee toisen albuminsa ”Dawn Of Infinite Fire” syyskuussa Edged Circle Productionsin kautta.

Albumia kuvataan levy-yhtiön toimesta seuraavasti:

Alas, it has arrived under the ominous (and prescient) title Dawn Of Infinite Fire. Quite accurately, “Dawn Of Infinite Fire” sees Asagraum burning with equal intensity in songwriting, execution, and atmosphere, staying true to their original aims whilst pushing their classicist sound further into the present. Granted, that blast-from-the-past classicism is inescapable – this is pure, traditional black metal above all – but not once across ”Dawn Of Infinite Fire” does that hinder their timeless expression. If anything, this is the sound of Asagraum at their most anthemic and triumphant, marching forward with obsidian austerity, reflecting their prolific presence on the live front: tangibly physical black metal, played with passion and authenticity and not augmented by cheap studio trickery. Brazen that expression might be – not to overstate the fact, but most nowadays black metal hides in the shadows – but Asagraum continue to sound fresh among that modern BM landscape, outstripping the prevailing trends and the pretenders who enable them.

If ”Potestas Magicum Diaboli” walked a delicate-but-bold balance between aggression and atmosphere, both unapologetically modern and authentically ’90s in its sterling black metal, then ”Dawn Of Infinite Fire” is the sound of Asagraum perfecting that balance, spellbinding the listener across a deceptively vast nine-song / 47-minute journey. With mixing & mastering once again courtesy of Tore Stjerna at Necromorbus Studio and literally incendiary cover artwork courtesy of Bahrull Marta, the time is nigh for Asagraum’s ”Dawn Of Infinite Fire”!

Levy on kaupoissa 13.9.2019.

1.They Crawl From The Broken Circle
2.The Lightless Inferno
3.Abomination’s Altar
5.Dawn Of Infinite Fire
6.Dochters Van De Zwarte Vlam
7.Beyond The Black Vortex
8.Hate Of Satan’s Hammer
9.Waar Ik Ben Komt De Dood

Kuva: Pete Alander
Lähde: Metal Hammer

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.