Annihilator julkaisi uuden singlen “I Am Warfare” ja lisätiedot tulevalta levyltä

Kuva: Jasmina Vrcko

Kanadalainen thrash metal –veteraani Annihilator on julkaissut uuden singlen ”I Am Warfare”. Biisi on ensimmäinen poiminta yhtyeen tammikuussa 2020 ilmestyvältä studiolevyltä ”Ballistic, Sadistic”, jonka kansitaide katsottavissa alta. Levy julkaistaan 24.1.2020 Silver Lining Musicin kautta, ennakkotilaus on käynnissä linkistä. Yhtye kiertää Eurooppaa tästä viikosta aina joulukuun 2019 alkuun. Kiertue ei saavu Skandinaviaan.

Keulamies Jeff Waters kommentoi:

Almost every artist initially loves the songs they create. They are like your babies. In my case, it is difficult to be the main writer/producer and stay fresh, come up with new ideas or make old ones better and I am well aware of that. Since ’we’ love what we do, we can be blinded to just how good or bad a song or record really is. Time will tell. Press, fans, band members, label, etc., they ALL will tell you what they think and, in their own ways, they are usually right. In this case, I throw that nonsense in the garbage and can tell you that we have made a record that is angry, technical, back to the first three records vibes and it is going to be difficult to continue writing another record after releasing this one. Best record I’ve made since 2005’s ’Schizo Deluxe’ and I think many will argue that this new one is in the top three. From the ’Stonewall’-esque track ’Psycho Ward’ to the haunting ’I Am Warfare’, the pissed-off ’The Attitude’ to the aggression and old-school technicality of ’Out With The Garbage’, the record is like this: take the ’Alice’, ’Neverland’ and ’Set The World On Fire’ records, make them angry, combine the old-school production with modern high-tech studio gear, then add the best guitar work I didn’t know I still had in me, and you’ve got the best we could possibly offer. I honestly cannot wait for everyone to hear this.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. Armed To The Teeth
2. The Attitude
3. Psycho Ward
4. I Am Warfare
5. Out With The Garbage
6. Dressed Up For Evil
7. Riot
8. One Wrong Move
9. Lip Service
10. The End Of The Lie

Jeff Waters (vocals/guitar)
Rich Hinks (bass)
Aaron Homma (guitar)
Fabio Alessandrini (drums)

Lähde: Silver Lining Music
Kuva: Jasmina Vrcko

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.