Tiedote 25.7.2018
Kreikkalais-suomalainen funeral doom -yhtye Aeonian Sorrow julkaisi dramaattisen musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Thanatos Kyrie”, biisi on nostettu yhtyeen huhtikuussa ilmestyneeltä ”Into The Eternity A Moment We Are” –debyyttialbumilta.
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Life is an ultimate gift and death our sequence. As deeper some things grow inside our souls and minds there won’t be only one death to face until our bodies collapse. This cinematic film, inspired from the lyrics and music of Aeonian Sorrow, reveals the demons and loss of ourselves, our energy when other things taking control. Our survival is a result of will. But do we really have the will to survive?
Directed by Katerina Karp
Photography: Vasilis Matiakis, Christos Georgiadis
Actors: Vaggelis Mageiros, Aggelos Kalfopoulos , Gogo Melone
Edited by Katerina Karp, Vasilis Matiakis
Makeup artist/Costumes: Giota Tsan
Assistant: Xaris Papadopoulos
Gogo Melone – Vocals / Keyboards / Songwriting
Saku Moilanen – Drums
Alejandro Lotero – Vocals
Taneli Jämsä – Guitars
Pyry Hanski – Bass
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.