Acid Reign julkaisee ensimmäisen levynsä lähes 30 vuoteen


Englantilainen thrash metal –veteraani Acid Reign tekee paluun uudella levyllä ”The Age Of Entitlement” syyskuussa. Kyseessä on yhtyeen ensimmäinen täyspitkä 29 vuoteen.

Levy on kaupoissa Dissonance Productionsin kautta 27.9.2019. Alla näkyvästä kansitaiteesta vastasi mm. Judas Priestin kanssa työskennellyt Mark Wilkinson.
Acid Reign päätti uransa vuonna 1991 kahden albumin jälkeen ja palasi livekeikkojen merkeissä neljä vuotta sitten. Kokoonpanoon kuuluvat ainoa alkuperäisjäsen, vokalisti Howard ”H” Smith, basisti Pete Dee, kitaristit Cooky ja Paul Chanter sekä rumpali Marc Jackson.

Smith kommentoi:

We started recording on August 1st last year with Jayce Lewis and he has been amazing. He was badgering me to do this for months. We had two other bigger names telling us they would love to do it, but Jayce showed us when recording ’The Man Who Became Himself’ that he would go above and beyond to get the best out of what was a very difficult session. So just think what we could achieve when we are in a much better place. The results are stunning. You have an old-school thrash album with a contemporary twist and a production that honours that.

I’ve had the title for a long time. Straight off the bat, it had an album-title ring to it and speaks to a world view that the entire band shares, which is important. Then Mark came up with the artwork, which he really knocked out of the park. We are all itching to get this out and now you know when you’ll be able to get hold of it. Not long now. Single coming soon.

Lähde: Dissonance Productions

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.