Saksalainen metalliveteraani Accept on kiinnittänyt yhtyeessä aiemmin kiertueella Uwe Lulista tuuranneen Philip Shousen pysyväksi jäseneksi. Kitaristi täydentää uuden kuusihenkisen kokoonpanon, jossa vaikuttavat ainoana perustajajäsenenä enää mukana oleva kitaristi Wolf Hoffmann, Peter Baltesin bassossa viime vuonna korvannut Martin Motnik, rumpali Christopher Williams sekä vokalisti Mark Tornillo.
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In the process of finding coverage for Uwe for these concerts, everybody remarked how they loved working with Philip Shouse during this year’s ”Symphonic Terror” tour, so Accept asked if he could help the group out for these two shows. To Accept’s and Uwe’s great relief, he said ”yes.”
During the next few days, as lots of e-mails and discussions about the ins and outs for the two gigs and rehearsals in Nashville ensued, the band found itself faced with an unexpected question: ”Why doesn’t Phil join us and stay as a permanent member of Accept?” The answer was unanimous. Everyone agreed, and Phil did too.
Uwe became a great friend for all of us, and after his recovery, he might need to adjust his stage moves a bit — which is no problem with all the support he has from us! We are here for you, brother!
Kuva: Paul Bossenmaier
Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.