Europe julkaisi uuden videon ”Walk The Earth” -kappaleesta

Kuva: Raisa Krogerus

Europe on julkaissut uuden videon ja tulkinnan viimeisimmän ”Walk The Earth” -albuminsa nimikappaleesta. Videolla eristyksissä aikaansa viettävät kosketinsoittaja Mic Michaeli sekä vokalisti Joey Tempest esittävät biisin uudella sovituksella. Kaikki videon tuotot ohjataan koronaviruksen vastaiseen tutkimukseen.

Tempest kommentoi:

Dear Friends,


In these times of hardship for all of us, We would like to present to you a video of the title track from the last Europe album “Walk The Earth” recorded acoustically at home with all proceeds generated from views and sharing to be given to a charity close to our hearts Médecins Sans Frontières – Doctors Without Borders, to assist with their fight against Coronavirus.


It was a natural choice for us to support Médecins Sans Frontières. They do such outstanding work on the frontline in over 70 countries around the world.


We also feel that the song “Walk The Earth” is well suited for these circumstances. Although performed in a more somber way we feel the song still carries the basic human message of survival, spirit and perseverance in this very troubled age.


I asked Mic to record a new version on his piano in Stockholm. He emailed it to me and I recorded the vocal in my home studio in London. It was an interesting way of working and we may look at doing something else in the future, perhaps with the other members of the band.


We hope that as many people as possible will view and share this video and we will donate all funds generated to MSF. You can of course donate directly, just visit Médecins Sans Frontières at

Lähde: Europe
Kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.