Dead Serenity julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Godless We Are” -kappaleesta


Tiedote 30.3.2020

Kotimainen melodista metallia esittävä Dead Serenity on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon ”Beginnings” -EP:nsä avauskappaleesta ”Godless We Are”.

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Now, due to the circumstances, most of us have to spend a lot of time at home and live gigs are impossible to arrange we wanted to share something special with all of you. Some time ago we shot a video of us playing our ”Beginnings” EP’s opening track Godless We Are and now you have a chance to get a sneak peek of what happens in Dead Serenity’s rehearsals.

Music by Toni Lind
Lyrics by Niklas Saarikuru
Arragement by Dead Serenity

Mika Piipponen – Vocals
Toni Lind – Guitar
Niklas Saarikuru – Guitar
Kimi Ylinen – Bass
Mika Mönkkönen – Drums

Kuva: Dead Serenity

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