Sargeistin uusi EP ”Death Venetration” kuunneltavissa

Kuva: Elena Vasilaki

Tiedote 25.12.2019

Kotimainen black metal –veteraani Sargeist on julkaissut digitaalisessa formaatissa jouluksi uuden neljän kappaleen EP:n ”Death Venetration”, joka kuunneltavissa alta. Biisit on taltioitu yhtyeen edellisen studiolevyn ”Unbound” (2018) sessioissa, CD ja vinyyliversiot ilmestyvät tammikuussa 2020.

EP:n saa tilaukseen W.T.C. Productionsin kautta.

Kitaristi Shatraug kertoo Bardo Methodologyn haastattelussa levystä seuraavaa:

These four tracks were originally intended for two separate split releases but, last week – after years of waiting without anything happening – I proposed the idea of a mini-alum to W.T.C. and within the spur of the moment it had already been sent to press. This material was all recorded, mixed, and mastered during the “Unbound” (2018) album session, so we didn’t really have any time-consuming mandatories to deal with. Even so, it was mostly chance as the whole thing came together suddenly and spontaneously, and by pure luck we already had suitable artwork available. It feels good to get some form of closure; we needed to have these songs released before recording something new.

1.To Make Wolves Of Men
2.To Feast On Astral Blood
3.Lunar Curse
4.Death Veneration

Shatraug – 6-String Skourge of Satan
VJS – 6-String of Tenebrous Hate
Abysmal – 4-String Pulse of Hell
Gruft – Battery and Cymbals of Madness
Profundus – Haunting Voice of the Night

Kuva: Elena Vasilaki

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.