Pänzer tarjoilee uuden musiikkivideon “Fatal Command”


Saksalais-ruotsalainen metallin tähtikokoonpano Pänzer julkaisee toisen albuminsa ”Fatal Command” Nuclear Blastin kautta 6.10.2017. Linjoille on nyt saatu ensimmäinen musiikkivideo levyn nimikappaleen muodossa. Video kuvattiin Sveitsissä Z7-klubissa.

Keulamies Schmier kommentoi:

We wanted to have a clip that fits with the bands sound, something that catches the energy of PÄNZER. No gimmicks – just a big stage and the look behind the curtain. The Z7 club in Switzerland is something like a home base for many touring bands, we wanted to pay tribute to our fave living-room and the people that work there. As the album delivers a very pure musical direction, we have tried to maintain and transport that feeling also into the videoclip. Metal does not need much frills – the song ’Fatal Command’ stands for what PÄNZER is all about: RELENTLESS BEATS, POSSESSIVE HOOK-LINES & MELODIC TWIN GUITAR ATTACKS!

“Fatal Command” katseluun alta:

1. Satan’s Hollow
2. Fatal Command
3. We Can Not Be Silenced
4. I’ll Bring You The Night
5. Scorn And Hate
6. Afflicted
7. Skullbreaker
8. Bleeding Allies
9. The Decline (…And The Downfall)
10. Mistaken
11. Promised Land
Bonus (DIGI and 2LP only!)
12. Wheels Of Steel

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.