Necrotted julkaisi uuden singlen ”Imperator” tulevalta albumiltaan


Saksalaista kuoloheviä soittava Necrotted julkaisee uuden ”Imperium”-albuminsa 22.9.2023 (Reaper Entertainment, Blood Blast). Yhtye julkaisi uuden singlen albumiltaan ”Imperator”.

Yhtye kommentoi: ”Shortly before the release of our now already fifth full-length album ’Imperium’ on 22nd September 2023, we proudly present you another new single: ’Imperator’ is the title track of the new record and the lyrical highlight of the content storyline of the last two albums ‘Imperium’ and also ‘Operation: Mental Castration’.
Musically, we were once again eager to experiment and combined elements of death metal with those of black metal, garnished with parts from the core spectrum. The lyrics are written in English and German, which should add some spice to the dismal mood and the topic of the song – the final moral and psychological decline of our protagonist.
The new album ’Imperium’ – and so also the song ’Imperator’ – was recorded by Jeff of Defocus and mixed and mastered by Björn of Acranius. The professional music video with which the new single will be released was this time filmed and produced by our friend and consulter Kriss Jakob and his crew.”

Video: Kriss Jakob 

Aikaisemmat singlet:
”Ignorance Is Fear” (Music Video):
”Sow Sorrow For Victory” (Music Video):
”Reich der Gier” (Music Video):

Necrotted – ”Imperium”:
01. A Veiled Awakening
02. Reich der Gier
03. Sow Sorrow For Victory
04. Artificial Truth
05. Ignorance is fear
06. Round X: Freedom V Security
07. Imperator
08. Order Beyond All Bounds
09. My Reign Come, My Will Be Done



Lähde: Reaper Entertainment

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