Tummaa ja melodista metallia yhdistelevä Witherfall julkaisi uuden kappaleen ja lyriikkavideon.
Kuuntele ”Another Face”:
Yhtye kommentoi: “As with most WITHERFALL songs ‘Another Face’ was written with just an acoustic guitar, pen & paper and copious amounts of red wine. However, once in the studio the track really came to life. Some of the best memories from the recording sessions were working out the outro of the song after the solo. Between guitar and vocal harmonies and subtle harmonic shifts the ending is such a highlight of the record. Jon Schaffer and Jim Morris really brought a lot of energy to these sessions. For everyone involved it was a highly creative time. This track is a great testament to what can happen when everyone on a production team gets to shine a little light on a song.”
Single on kolmas yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta “Curse Of Autumn”, joka julkaistaan 5.3.2021.
- Joseph Michael – Vocals/Keyboards (also in Sanctuary)
- Jake Dreyer – Acoustic and Electric Guitars (also in Iced Earth/Demons & Wizards)
- Anthony Crawford – Bass (Chon, Shalmor, Allan Holdsworth, Justin Timberlake, Kirk Whalum…)
- Marco Minnemann – Drums (The Aristocrats, Joe Satriani, Steven Wilson, Tony Levin, Jordan Rudess, Necrophagist…)
- Alex Nasla – Live Keyboards
- https://www.witherfall.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/
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- https://www.youtube.com/
Lähde: Century Media
Kuva: Stephanie Cabral
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.