Ignea julkaisi tulevan levyn tiedot ja musiikkivideon

Kuva: Ignea

Ukrainalainen melodista heavy metalia soittava Ignea julkaisee uuden levyn ”The Realms of Fire and Death” (Kadabra Music) 3.7.2020.

Levyltä irroitetusta kappaleesta ”Disenchantment” on julkaistu myös musiikkivideo:

Laulaja Helle Bogdanova kommentoi: ”Being a totally DIY band, we’re excited to make our first steps in the direction of physical distribution. This new stage starts with the proper record and proper partners. “The Realms of Fire and Death“ is the best music we’ve created so far, it is very well-thought and mature for IGNEA. We also have warm feelings towards Portugal. Metal Hammer Portugal always supported us with their reviews, even back in the days when they were under Ultraje brand. Vagos Metal Fest was one of our top festivals ever. And now we have Kadabra Music as our physical distribution partners who will help us to bring the record to the shelves of European online and offline music stores. Here’s to a fruitful cooperation!”

Ignea – ”The Realms of Fire and Death”
  1. Queen Dies
  2. Чорне полум’я
  3. Out of My Head
  4. Í tokuni (Eivør cover)
  5. Too Late to Be Born
  6. What For
  7. Gods of Fire
  8. Jinnslammer
  9. Disenchantment
  10. Black Flame (Bonus Track)
IGNEA | Website: https://ignea.band
KADABRA MUSIC | Online Shop: http://www.kadabramusic.com
Lähde: Against PR
Kuva: Ignea
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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.