Yhdysvalloista tuleva, 1970-luvulla perustettu, hard rock -yhtye Y&T (perustamisnimi oli Yesterday & Today) julkaisi uudelleen livealbuminsa ”Yesterday and Today Live”. Levy on alunperin julkaistu vuonna 1991. Albumilla ovat mukana Dave Meniketti, Leonard Haze, Phil Kennemore ja Joseph Alves ja se sisältää 15 kappaletta
Yhtye on julkaissut 18 albumia ja myynyt niitä yli neljä miljoonaa kappaletta.
Dave Meniketti: ”Very happy to have this vinyl re-release of Yesterday and Today Live come together. This was recorded at a time when the band had decided to disband–however temporary that was–and these tracks were taken from what we considered were to be the last shows Y&T would perform. Because of our state of mind at the time, songs like ”Hard Times” were especially poignant. Even though the changing music industry had us in turmoil, the band was at the top of our game and these tracks give a good window into that time of our lives. I believe this is truly one of our finest Y&T live recordings.”

01. Mean Streak
02. Hurricane
03. Don’t Stop Runnin’
04. Struck Down
05. Winds of Change
06. Black Tiger
07. Midnight in Tokyo
08. Beautiful Dreamer
09. Hard Times
10. I’ll Cry
11. I Believe in You
12. Squeeze
13. Forever
14. Earth Shaker (Bonus Track)
15. Rescue Me (Bonus Track)
Tilaa levy: https://www.metalblade.com/yandt/
Lähde: Metal Blade Records