Ymirin debyyttialbumi kuunneltavissa

Kuva: Ymir

Tiedote 22.11.2020

Kotimaisen jo 1990-luvun lopulla perustetun black metal -yhtye Ymirin debyytti ”Ymir”-albumi on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta. Levy on julkaistu Werewolf Recordsin kautta vinyyli- ja CD-formaateissa.

Yhtyeestä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

YMIR’s history stretches back to the late ’90s. The band originally existed as a trio of vocalist/guitarist Vrasjarn, later of funeral doomlords Profetus; drummer Lord Sargofagian, who concurrently founded the prolific Baptism; and lead guitarist Toni Pölkki. With this lineup, YMIR released the Trollsword demo in 1999, mystical black metal firmly (and favorably) of its time. Seven more years would follow before another recording came from YMIR, as the brothers Vrasjarn and Lord Sargofagian were busy with the aforementioned bands (and many others), but the Silvery Howling demo at last arrived in 2006, courtesy of Werewolf, and saw the band scaled back to a duo and evincing a rawer, nastier sound whilst retaining the sweet stench of the ’90s. Naturally, once again, more silence ensued…


But from the past comes the storms…of icy, grandiose, paradigmatically Finnish black metal, bearing the no-bullshit title of Ymir. As can be expected, YMIR’s long-brewing debut album is both a summation of their sparse but no-less-considerable past and a strident extension into both present and future. Never… more.

1. Pagan Mysticism
2. Silvery Howling
3. Ymir
4. Frostland Conqueror
5. Winterstorms
6. Resurrection of the Pagan Fire


Lähde: Werewolf Records
Kuva: Ymir

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.