Whitesnaken ”Slide It In” julkaistaan uudelleen boksiversiona maaliskuussa

Kuva: Whitesnake

Whitesnake julkaisee vuoden 1984 albuminsa ”Slide It In” 35-vuotisjuhlan kunniaksi 6CD:n ja yhden DVD:n boksina maaliskuussa. Saataville tulee myös riisutumpi tupla-CD versio. Mukana ovat aikanaan levystä tehdy radikaalisti erilaiset Euroopan ja Amerikan miksaukset, täysin uusi miksaus, demoja, ennenjulkaisemattomia harjoitusottoja sekä kaksi livenauhoitusta, joista toinen on kosketinsoittaja Jon Lordin viimeinen keikka Whitesnakessa ennen paluutaan uudelleen kasattuun Deep Purpleen. DVD sisältää musiikkivideot ja livemateriaalia.

”Slide It In” 35th anniversary edition ilmestyy 22.3.2019 Rhinon kautta.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

Whitesnake: Slide It In – The Ultimate Special Edition
Disc 1: US Mix (1985) 35th Anniversary Remaster
Disc 2: UK. Mix (1984) 35th Anniversary Remaster

Bonus Tracks
1. Need Your Love So Bad – Single B-Side
2. Gambler – 7-inch Eddie Kramer Mix (1983)
3. Guilty Of Love – 7-inch Eddie Kramer Mix (1983)

Disc 3: 35th Anniversary Remixes (2019)
1. Slide It In (Previously unreleased)
2. Slow An’ Easy (Previously unreleased)
3. Love Ain’t No Stranger (Previously unreleased)
4. Give Me More Time (Previously unreleased)
5. Guilty Of Love (Previously unreleased)
6. All Or Nothing (Previously unreleased)
7. Spit It Out (Previously unreleased)
8. Standing In The Shadow (Previously unreleased)
9. Hungry For Love (Previously unreleased)
10. Gambler (Previously unreleased)
11. Need Your Love So Bad (Previously unreleased)

Disc 4: Monitor Mixes & Intros (September 1983)
1. Intro to Gambler from David Coverdale
2. Gambler (Previously unreleased)
3. Standing in the Shadow (Previously unreleased)
4. Intro to Slide It In from David Coverdale
5. Slide It In (Previously unreleased)
6. Give Me More Time (Previously unreleased)
7. Intro to Love Ain’t No Stranger from David Coverdale
8. Love Ain’t No Stranger (Previously unreleased)
9. Hungry For Love (Previously unreleased)
10. Intro to Guilty Of Love from David Coverdale
11. Guilty Of Love (Previously unreleased)
12. Spit It Out (Previously unreleased)
13. Intro to Slow An’ Easy from David Coverdale
14. Slow An’ Easy (Previously unreleased)
15. All Or Nothing (Previously unreleased)
16 David Coverdale discusses the US vs UK versions

Jon Lord’s Last Whitesnake Show (Sweden, April 16, 1984)
1. Gambler
2. Guilty Of Love
3. Love Ain’t No Stranger
4. Reading An’ Willing (Sweet Satisfaction)

Disc 5: Live in Glasgow, Scotland (March 1, 1984)
1. Gambler (Previously unreleased)
2. Guilty Of Love (Previously unreleased)
3. Reading An’ Willing (Sweet Satisfaction) (Previously unreleased)
4. Love Ain’t No Stranger (Previously unreleased)
5. Here I Go Again (Previously unreleased)
6. Slow An’ Easy (Previously unreleased)
7. Cryin’ In The Rain (Previously unreleased)
8. Keyboard Solo
9. Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City (Previously unreleased)
10. Fool For Your Loving (Previously unreleased)
11. Need Your Love So Bad / Thank You Blues (Previously unreleased)
12. Slide It In (Previously unreleased)
13. Don’t Break My Heart Again (Previously unreleased)

Disc 6: Early Ruff Mixes, Original Demos and Obscurities
Early Ruff Mixes with Unfinished Lyrics
1. All Or Nothing
2. Hungry For Love
3. Spit It Out
4. Give Me More Time
5. Slow An’ Easy
6. Love Ain’t No Stranger
7. Need Your Love So Bad – Instrumental
8. All Or Nothing – acapella excerpts remix
9. Slow An’ Easy – organ and drum excerpts remix
10. Wheezy Interludes – various alcoholic studio antics, David and Mel “fighting a cold”

Original Demos
1. Slow An’ Easy
2. Slide It In
3. Standing In The Shadow
4. All Or Nothing
5. Spit It Out
6. Guilty Of Love
7. Love Ain’t No Stranger
8. Intro to Need Your Love So Bad from David Coverdale
9. Need Your Love So Bad

Unfinished Symphonies: Demo Ideas that Were Never Finished
1. Body Heat
2. The Gypsy In You
3. Lounge Lizards
4. Great Riff In The Morning
5. The River Song
6. Can’t Make A Deal With The Devil
7. Prayer For The Dying
8. Spend The Night With Me
9. So Much To Live For
10. Riff Raff Blues
11. Thanks You Blues

DVD: Music Videos & Live Clips
1. Guilty Of Love – Music Video
2. Slow An’ Easy – Music Video
3. Love Ain’t No Stranger – Music Video
4. Give Me More Time – Top Of The Pops
5. Standing In The Shadow – New Promo Video
6. Love Ain’t No Stranger – Live… In The Still of the Night
7. Slide It In – Live at Donington (1990)

Extra Features
Jon Lord’s Last Whitesnake Show (1984)
1. Gambler
2. Guilty of Love
3. Love Ain’t No Stranger
4. Reading An’ Willing (Sweet Satisfaction)

Lähde: Classic Rock

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