Venäjältä tulevat black metal -yhtyeet Wardra ja Logos ovat julkaisseet 1.12.2020 ilmestyvän split-albuminsa ”Aberration Of The Abyss” (Ground Media Group) ennakkoon.
Kuuntele albumi alta:
”This project was created out of a desire to bring some dark, furious and melodic music in the Black Metal genre. Biggest inspiration comes from music itself, nature, art, mythologies, philosophy and literature. The name Wardra comes from the word ”Ward”- to ”Keep”, ”Protect”, ”Oversee” and ”Respect” and musically it’s a mixture of elements of traditional black metal and doom metal with modern atmospheric sound. ” – Wardra
“Our music is more like the essence of black metal. Speed, pressure, honesty, but at the same time we prefer to add melodic moments to our music, like interludes, slowdowns and synths. We try to experiment different things. This is my main project and I haven’t had nor Nikita (the keyboards) particibated in any other project before. Our vocalist Dzirt.R.S. used to play bass in the band called Grauen, but that’s it. Theodor (Second to Sun) is our session drummer but particibates for the drum arrangements as well.” – Ivan, Logosin kitaristi.
”When I received mail from these bands, In the first place I paid attention to well-composed and produced material with the really dark and special cover art which made me really impressed. These both bands have an excellent sense of style to create their black metal with a traditional, but at the same time with fresh touch. This split album has about 30 minutes intensive but also very atmospheric Black Metal. There’s melodic, but dark and even orchestrated parts and what I can say for the album art. It’s just perfection. The Art describes both bands perfectly.”
Samuli, Ground Media Group
Ground Media Group
Lähde: Against PR
Kuvat: Wardra, Logos
Kuvat: Wardra, Logos
Kansitaide: Rotten Fantom, rottenfantom/
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.