Sammas’ Equinox -yhtyeen uusi levy ”Tulikehrät” kuunneltavissa

Kuva: Sammas´ Equionox

Tiedote 27.9.2020

Kotimainen black metal -yhtye Sammas´Equinox on julkaissut debyyttilevynsä ”Tulikehrät” Signalrex-merkin kautta. Albumi on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta.

Levystä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

The gorgeous cover art alone should provide some visual cues as to the spectral majesty that awaits the listener with Sammas´Equinox’s long-awaited first full-length. Raw as ever but lucidly played, “Tulikehrät” immediately engages with its stained-glass synths prominently pushed forward in the mix. More than just mere window-dressing, these synths both play crucial counterpart to the altogether-more-downered riffing and also textural lead; they float with an air of mysticism that’s never malign, but rather beckoning one to open the portals to their imagination and dive into dreams beyond. And that dream-timing aspect extends to the larger songwriting arc, as well: exquisitely grim but moving within a mostly down-tempo march, there’s an icily iridescent aura to everything here, an inexorable ascent into realms beyond the earthly and human, whose sum effect could be likened to the dreamiest ’90s Polish black metal record ever recorded.


Not surprisingly, the conceptual framework of “Tulikehrät” circulates around the distinctual manifestations of Fire & Will as they present themselves almost in a dreamy, pre-historical context and working on both micro- and macrocosmical levels of existence. And, despite being proudly and purely black metal, the sonic frontiers Sammas´Equinox here are exploring similarly transcend those of the mongrel hordes harboring under the wider ”black metal” umbrella. The mastering job courtesy of Moonsorrow’s Henri Sorvali heightens this dynamic with no small amount of magick.


Free your mind and the spirit will follow. Sammas´Equinox open the portals for you, and one needs only step inside “Tulikehrät” to experience splendors beyond compare…

LP tilattavissa linkistä.

Kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Fire
2. The Staunching
3. Northern Gate of the Sun
4. Carved in Stone
5. Mustat vedet
6. High Seat of the Pain Mountain

Adar -Drums, Electronics
Sùrya-Ishtara – Guitars
Voidraugr – Vocals, Bass

Kuva: Sammas´ Equionox

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