Saksan thrash-legenda Destruction julkaisee “Thrash Anthems II”-levyn CD-muodossa marraskuussa

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10 vuotta ensimmäisen ”Thrash Anthems” albumin jälkeen, saksalainen Destruction julkaisee toisen osan yhtyeen 1980-luvun materiaalin uudelleen nauhoituksia ”Thrash Anthems II”-albumilla marraskuussa. Levy rahoitettiin Pledge Music-kampanjan avulla ja tuli saataville digitaalisessa muodossa aiemmin tänä vuonna. Nyt vuorossa on CD-julkaisu, joka saapuu kauppoihin Nuclear Blastin kautta 10.11.2017. Levy on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Keulamies Schmier kommentoi:

As it is a part of our past to relaunch classic songs from our history with a fresh face and we had many demands on a »Thrash Anthems« continuation, we decided to do a second part of this re-animation of classic 80s Destruction material. For us it was important to choose the tracks with the fans and first when NB did not want to do the album we decided to do a pledge campaign to raise the funds for the production together with the die hards.

To make a long story short, we know not everybody will like these new versions of those thrash evergreens (just listen to the originals then) but it was an important task for us to keep them alive for a whole new generation of metalheads that love those fresh and brutal new recordings. We are very happy now, that our label is finally releasing this collection of thrash classics. The vibe on this record is so vicious, uncommercial and has this 80s feeling with a even more aggressive edge and THAT is was made our Thrash so special, in the good old days and now!

“Thrash Anthems II” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Confused Mind
2. Black Mass
3. Frontbeast
4. Dissatisfied Existence
5. United By Hatred
6. The Ritual
7. Black Death
8. The Antichrist
9. Confound Games
10. Ripping You Off Blind
11. Satan’s Vengeance
Bonus Track:
12. Holiday in Cambodia (DEAD KENNEDYS Cover)

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.