Red Wolf julkaisi singlen ja videon kappaleesta ”Crossing the Line”

Kuva: Joonatan Kuisma & Matthias Törngren, Editointi: Saila Semeri

Muun muassa Cyhran ja Lost Societyn jäsenistä koostuva Red Wolf on julkaissut uuden kappaleensa ”Crossing the Line”. Yhtyeen tuleva albumi ”Sessions Vol. 1” julkaistaan 14.10.

Riffivoittoista ja groovahtavaa metallia soittavan yhtyeen kappaleen voit kuunnella alta:

Red Wolf -yhtyeessä vaikuttaa myös Janne Joutsenniemi (Stone, Suburban Tribe).

Yhtyeen jäsenet kertovat kommenttejaan:

Euge Valovirta “All of this happened very naturally & effortlessly and this has been probably the easiest album writing & recording process that I’ve ever been a part of and I’m really happy how everything turned out.”

Samy Elbanna: ”As a person who always has enjoyed creating and doing as much as possible, this was an absolute dream to be a part of! This has been without a doubt one of the funniest and most organic projects I’ve ever had the honor to participate! Great songs and a great group of guys, what could be better?!”

Janne Joutsenniemi: “I haven’t played or singed for a while so this was a nice change for me to rock out with the guys, even from a distance since everybody played their parts on their own for obvious reasons. I haven’t even met or talked with Adde but it was really fun to play the bass on top of his drums and my playing fitted naturally to his playing.
I can hear hear the fresh and enthusiastic touch in everyone’s playing and everything was done in the spur of moment since we had no Rme or need to analyze and rehearse things any further. It was straight forward full speed ahead, trusting your own intuition and that’s what music is all about”.

Adde Larsson: “Having been working together with Euge as a stand in drummer for Alex Landenburg in Cyhra for about 2 years and with a bunch of shows and tours under the belt together, me and Euge have really hit it off and he has become a very good and dear friend of mine. When this opportunity rose to do this project together there was absolutely nothing that would stop me in my tracks to take the change and join! To also be playing with Samy and Janne in the same band was a massive extra privilege and a surprise to say, especially knowing what they have achieved in their individual careers! It makes me very humble and excited to be a part of this machine and it’s just simply awesome and honouring to be a part of this all”.

Red Wolf on:

Euge Valovirta – guitar
Samy Elbanna – vocals & guitar
Janne Joutsenniemi – bass & vocals
Adde Larsson – drums



‘Sessions Vol. 1’ – biisit:
01. Crossing the Line
02. The Road
03. The Point of No Return
04. Running In Circles
05. The Devil Inside of Me
06. Hypocrite
07. Watch It Burn
08. Coming for You
09. Face of God
10. I am The Night

Lähde: Red Wolf
Kuva: Joonatan Kuisma & Matthias Törngren, Editointi: Saila Semeri

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