Ragnarok julkaisi ”Non Debellicata” –albumin: levy kuunneltavissa.

Kuva: Arash Taheri

Ragnarok on julkaissut uuden levynsä ”Non Debellicata”. Albumi on levymerkki Agonia Recordsin toimesta kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta.

Yhtye kertoo levystä seuraavaa:

Our new album “Non Debellicata” is the result of an extensive process in which all the members of the band participated creatively, both musically and lyrically. We put a lot of work into this album to make it as extreme and violent as we possibly could, pushing the borders of our musicianship and song writing skills. Originally we started out with 20 songs, out of which we rehearsed 16 and whittled it down to 13 for recording. We eventually chose 10 for inclusion on the album, because we wanted to ensure highest possible quality of every song.

1. Non Debellicata
2. Chapel Of Shadows
3. Sanctimoneous
4. Bestial Emptiness
5. Nemesis
6. The Great Destroyer
7. Gerasene Demoniac
8. The Gospel Of Judas Iscariot
9. Jonestown Lullaby
10. Asphyxiation

Jontho – vocals
Bolverk – guitars
Rammr – bass
Malignant – drums

Kuva: Arash Taheri
Lähde: Agonia Records

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