Powerwolf julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Beast of Gévaudan”


Power metal -yhtye Powerwolf julkaisi uuden singlen ”Beast of Gévaudan”, joka on yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta ”Call of the Wild”.

Yhtye kommentoi: ”We are more than proud to present ”Beast of Gévaudan”, the first song off our upcoming album, Call Of The Wild. The story behind the song couldn’t fit better into the world of POWERWOLF: It’s about a mysterious beast that killed countless people in the south of France at the end of the 18th century. The beast was never caught and there have always been many legends surrounding the events, up to the interpretation of the clergy, who saw the beast as ‘God’s punishment’ or even as a ‘savior of mankind from the worldly and sinful existence.’”

Yhtye julkaisee kahdeksannen albuminsa ”Call of the Wild” 9.7.2021.

Powerwolf on pikkuhiljaa julkistanut tietoja tulevasta albumistaan ja jatkaa tasaisen korkeaa laatua levyn kansitaiteen osalta, jonka on suunnitellut Zsofia Dankova, jonka kanssa yhtye on tehnyt aiemminkin yhteistyötä.

Kansitaide: Zsofia Dankova

Levyn kappalelista on seuraavanlainen:

01. Faster than the Flame
02. Beast of Gévaudan
03. Dancing with the Dead
04. Varcolac
05. Alive or Undead
06. Blood for Blood (Faoladh)
07. Glaubenskraft
08. Call of the Wild
09. Sermon of Swords
10. Undress to Confess
11. Reverent of Rats

Powerwolf on valottanut taustoja joistain albumin kappaleista seuraavasti:

Blood for Blood (Faoladh)

Blood for Blood (Faoladh):
”The song refers to the Irish „FAOLADH“, a werewolf creature, which in many legends was seen as a guardian spirit for children or the wounded. Being one of the few cases where werewolves are seen as more complex creatures than just an archetype of evil, the story of the „Werewolves of Ossory“ inspired us heavily to write this song. You may want to google that, our friends.”

Malleus Maleficarum

Malleus Maleficarum:
”The title refers to the era of witch trials, legitimized in church law by the „Malleus Maleficarum“ in the 13th century. Though in many cases history proved that the reason behind burnings was to get rid of criticals (referred to as „heretics“) their legacies survived the bestial torture and kept the spark of doubt alive. Though thousands of victims were burned on the pyre, their legends have spread „Faster than the flame“.”


”The „Varcolac“ is a werewolf-creature in Romanian mythology. The power of the Varcolac in many legends emerges from the souls of unbaptized children. Being one of the mightiest creatures in east European mythology, the Varcolac – similar to the Nordic Fenrir – may swallow the moon.”

Beast of Gévaudan

Beast of Gévaudan:
”Friends, are you curious about the tracklist of our new album? Let’s start with ”Beast of Gévaudan”: This song is about a French legend from the 18th century. In the south of France, in a region called Gévaudan a legendary beast killed around 100 people. It was believed to have been an extraordinary large wolf. However, the beast was hunted for years but never caught and the killings went on. Clericals believed the beast to be a vengeance of god, sent to punish the sins of mankind and referred to the book Deuteronomy from the bible, quoted „and I will sent the teeth of wild animals“.”

Yhtye julkaisee kylkeen myös toisen levyn ”Missa Cantorem”, jossa eri artistit versioivat Powerwolfin kappaleita. Albumin kappale- ja vierailijalista on seuraava:

01. ”Sanctified With Dynamite” feat. Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear)
02. ”Demons Are A Girl‘s Best Friend” feat. Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy)
03. ”Nightside Of Siberia” feat. Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth)
04. ”Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone” feat. Doro Pesch
05. ”Fist By Fist (Sacralize Or Strike)” feat. Matthew Kiichi Heafy (Trivium)
06. ”Killers With The Cross” feat. Björn ”Speed” Strid (Soilwork)
07. ”Kiss Of The Cobra King” feat. Chris Harms (Lord Of The Lost)
08. ”We Drink Your Blood” feat. Johannes Eckerström (Avatar)
09. ”Resurrection By Erection” feat. Christopher Bowes (Alestorm)
10. ”Saturday Satan” feat. Jari Mäenpää (Wintersun)

Levyn vierailijat julkaistiin myös kuvina yhtyeen Facebook-sivuilla:

Luvassa on myös orkesteriversio albumista nimellä ”Symphony Of The Wild”, jonka voi ostaa vain rajatusti vinyylimuodossa.

Ensimmäinen single ”Beast of Gévaudan” julkaistaan 20.5.20201 ja sen voi käydä ennakkotallentamassa osoitteessa

Powerwolf julkaisee tulevan levynsä jälleen useassa eri formaatissa. Tilaukset voi hoitaa osoitteessa: https://callofthewild.napalmrecords.com/

Esimerkiksi kolmen vinyylin versio näyttää seuraavalta:

LP 1
01. Faster than the Flame
02. Beast of Gévaudan
03. Dancing with the Dead
04. Varcolac
05. Alive or Undead
06. Blood for Blood (Faoladh)
07. Glaubenskraft
08. Call of the Wild
09. Sermon of Swords
10. Undress to Confess
11. Reverent of Rats
LP 2 (Bonus Album): Missa Cantorem
01. ”Sanctified With Dynamite” feat. Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear)
02. ”Demons Are A Girl‘s Best Friend” feat. Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy)
03. ”Nightside Of Siberia” feat. Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth)
04. ”Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone” feat. Doro Pesch
05. ”Fist By Fist (Sacralize Or Strike)” feat. Matthew Kiichi Heafy (Trivium)
06. ”Killers With The Cross” feat. Björn ”Speed” Strid (Soilwork)
07. ”Kiss Of The Cobra King” feat. Chris Harms (Lord Of The Lost)
08. ”We Drink Your Blood” feat. Johannes Eckerström (Avatar)
09. ”Resurrection By Erection” feat. Christopher Bowes (Alestorm)
10. ”Saturday Satan” feat. Jari Mäenpää (Wintersun)
LP 3 (Bonus Album): Symphony Of The Wild
01. Faster than the Flame – Orchestral Version
02. Beast of Gévaudan – Orchestral Version
03. Dancing with the Dead – Orchestral Version
04. Varcolac – Orchestral Version
05. Alive or Undead – Orchestral Version
06. Blood for Blood (Faoladh) – Orchestral Version
07. Glaubenskraft – Orchestral Version
08. Call of the Wild – Orchestral Version
09. Sermon of Swords – Orchestral Version
10. Undress to Confess – Orchestral Version
11. Reverent of Rats – Orchestral Version
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Lähde: Powerwolf

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