Phil Demmel korvaa Gary Holtin Slayerin Euroopan kiertueen viimeisellä osiolla


Slayer-kitaristi Gary Holt on ilmoittanut keskeyttävänsä omalta osaltaan yhtyeen käynnissä olevan Euroopan kiertueen sekä palaavansa Amerikkaan huolehtimaan vakavasti sairaasta ja kuolevasta isästään. Holt ilmoitti asian Instagram–tilillään. Hänen paikkansa viimeisillä neljällä keikalla Suomi mukaan lukien ottaa reilu viikko sitten viimeisen konserttinsa Machine Headissa soittanut Phil Demmel. Holt ilmoittaa palaavansa yhtyeen riveihin maaliskuussa, kun kiertue jatkuu Australiassa.

Slayer päättää kiertueen yhdessä Anthraxin, Lamb Of Godin sekä Obituaryn kanssa Helsingin Jäähalliin ensi lauantaina 8.12.2018.

Demmelin esityksen Slayer-klassikosta ”Raining Blood” vuodelta 2010 saa katseluun alta:


Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.


First things first, I want to say thank you to Berlin for the AMAZING show tonight!! BEST CROWD EVER! But what I’ve got to say has been very very hard for me these last ten days or so. My father is very near the end of his journey,I’ve been playing these last several shows with the heaviest of hearts.And with that heavy heart I have to announce I am leaving the Slayer European tour. I must return home to help care for my dad in his final moments. Tonight ended with me in tears while finishing Angel of death. But the crowd brought out the best in me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all. And that having been said, I want EACH AND EVERY Slayer fan to give their biggest screams for Phil Demmel @demmelitionmh !! Bay Area legend!!! My dear friend, who having JUST finished a tour agreed to help me and the band out and learn an entire Slayer set in days and come out here so I can return home for my dad. Thank you Phil, you are family, love you bro! Please give him your warmest welcome.And most of all, I gotta thank @slayerbandofficial , @tomarayaofficial @paulbostaphofficial and Kerry King, you guys are TRULY my family, and have had my back through all what has been the roughest time in my life on tour. And thanks to our ENTIRE crew, and @lambofgod @anthrax and @obituaryband and their crews, knowing you all have been there for me through this, FAMILY. Love all of you. To my fans, thanks from the bottom of my black heart, I’ll be back in March to crush once more. And more than anything , thanks to my wife @lisaholt777 , had I been alone for this, my melt downs would have been even greater. Love you baby. See all of you soon. Thank you. And MUCH LOVE to my bros in Exodus! They know what’s going on, and no one has my back more @exodusbandofficial @zetrodus you guys are my rock

Henkilön Gary Holt (@garyholt_official) jakama julkaisu

Lähde: Blabbermouth

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