P.O.E. (Philosophy of Evil) julkaisi kauhuisen videon tulevalta levyltään


Tiedote 9.3.2020

Italialainen horror rock -akti P.O.E. (Philosophy of Evil) julkaisee levynsä ”Of Humanity And Other Odd Things” 3.4.2020.

Tulevalta levyltä julkaistiin kauhun kriteerejä täyttävä video ”The City In The Sea” -kappaleesta:

Yhtyeen kommentti kappaleesta:
””What we want is to express the dark, sick, evil side of human soul, that part of soul that lives in each of us and every day it’s powerfully trying to come to light in order to disrupt our being. It’s the tense for what is ugly, grotesque, unsettling that the genius of Edgar Allan Poe was able to describe sublimely with his poetry and his stories. This is all part of us and we try to celebrate it and, in some cases, exorcise it through our songs. That said, do not take us too seriously. We never do.””

Levyn biisilista:

1) Prelude
2) Puppet Show
3) Horror Vacui
4) Love & Death
5) You’re my stream
6) In Loving Madness
7) Sehnsucht
8) Shipwreck
9) The City In The Sea
10) Schizophrenia
11) Ratz Everywhere!
12) Why Does The Rabbit Want To Kill Me?!
13) A Strange Case

Videon krediittejä:

Videomaker & Director: Mattia Maffini
Co-Director: Giulia Nasi
Assistant Director: Rory Scorpiniti
MUA: Denise Giangregorio, Carolina Materassi, Simona Palomba
Storyboard by P.o.E. and Francesco Morri
In order of appearance
Girl: Serena Crovi
Mother: Giulia Nasi
Dancers: Gabriele Rosi, Sabrina Stefanini, Luca Militello, Sara Anella, Gianmaria Tarantino, Cecilia Copelli


Lähde: Grand Sounds PR
Kuva: P.O.E.

+ artikkelit

Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.