Overkill julkisti lisätiedot helmikuussa ilmestyvästä ”The Wings Of War” –levystä


Thrash metal -pioneeri Overkill julkaisee 19. studiolevynsä “The Wings Of War” 22.2.2019 Nuclear Blastin kautta. Albumin kappalelista sekä Travis Smithin suunnitelema kansitaide katsottavissa alta.

Keulamies Bobby ”Blitz” Ellsworth kommentoi:

It was a blast making “The Wings of War”. It is something old feeling new again, as our chemistry was altered by the addition of Jason Bittner. I was curious from the get-go, how would it pan out? I think what we accomplished here is a new, upgraded Overkill that embraced the new chemistry, while taking our roots into the present. The new formula produced not only more raw power, but more places to go with melody, a win, win. The key is being not only interested in the change, but part of it. I’ll tell you what, it’s still fun as hell making Overkill records.

1. Last Man Standing
2. Believe In The Fight
3. Head Of A Pin
4. Bat Shit Crazy
5. Distortion
6. A Mother’s Prayer
7. Welcome To The Garden State
8. Where Few Dare To Walk
9. Out On The Road-Kill
10. Hole In My Soul

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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