Oceanhoarse julkaisi ”Fields of Severed Dreams” -tribuuttivideon Alexi Laiholle


Oceanhoarse julkaisi ”Fields of Severed Dreams” tribuuttivideon, joka on osoitettu edesmenneelle Alexi Laiholle.

”Fields of Severed Dreams is my personal little tribute to Alexi. The song was written in early 2020, and I always thought some of the riffs and parts had a COB vibe to them. I was in the middle of recording my guitar parts for the album when we got the sad news, and just like that, an already melancholic song turned so much darker. Thank you Daniel for lending me Allu’s old guitar to use on this song, it really made it that much more meaningful to me. Rest in peace Alexi, we miss you.” – Ben


Tilaa yhtyeen albumi ”Dead Reckoning”: https://snd.click/reckoning

Lähde: Oceanhoarse

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