Uutta levyä valmisteleva grindcore-veteraani Napalm Death on julkistanut mittavan Euroopan kiertueen kesän festariesiintymisten jatkoksi. Bändi nähdään sen myötä Tallinnassa, Rock Klubi Tapperissa 26.9.2019.
Bändin mukaan uusi albumi on viimeistelyä vaille valmis ja seuraa vuoden 2015 “Apex Predator – Easy Meat” –pitkäsoittoa. Yhtye nähtiin Suomessa viimeksi neljän keikan kiertueella helmikuussa 2019.
Napalm Deathin keulamies Mark “Barney” Greenway kommentoi:
The stinky van is calling again, and this summer looks to me like we’re reaching more parts of Europe than we have done in quite a few summers. Macedonia in July looks to be one that sticks out, as I recall that our last gig there was in the midst of the miserable Balkans war – it was that long ago. On another note, I know people are probably wondering about the next album. It is coming, we promise. Unforeseen circumstances and the kind of recurring touring schedule you see in front of your eyes have conspired to string it out quite a bit. It’s gonna be a multi-faceted rasper though, I think. Some nice ’n’ quirky cover songs too. All will be revealed soon – just getting on with artwork and last couple of lyrics and all the usual window dressing. Alongside that, if it comes off, a nifty associated split release with a very-definitely-not-grindcore band is in the planning, which will neatly skip around convention and stereotype. And why not. Cheers all.
NAPALM DEATH – Live 2019:
28.06. Gräfenhainichen (Germany) – Full Force
02.07. Paris (France) – Le Gibus
03.07. Nantes (France) – Le Ferrailleur
04.07. Montpellier (France) – Secret Place
05.07. Barcelona (Spain) – Rock Fest
06.07. Limoges (France) – CCM John Lennon
07.07. Geneva (Switzerland) – L’Usine
10.07. Munich (Germany) – Backstage
11.07. Vienna (Austria) – Arena
12.07. Dunaújváros (Hungary) – Rockmaraton
14.07. Dojran (Macedonia) – D Festival
26.07. Lulworth Castle (UK) – Camp Festival
08.08. Winchester (UK) – Boomtown Fair
09.08. Kortrijk (Belgium) – Alcatraz Festival
10.08. Jaromer (Czech Republic) – Brutal Assault
11.08. Vagos Portugal) – Vagos Metal Fest
13.08. Cagliari (Italy) – Cueva Club
14.08. Brescia (Italy) – Festa Di Radio Onda D’urto
15.08. Pescara (Italy) – Frantic Fest
16.08. Dinkelsbühl (Germany) – Summer Breeze
17.08. Chiaromonte (Italy) – Agglutination Festival
18.08. Saint-Nolff (France) – Motocultor Festival
14.09. Leicester (UK) – Uprising @ o2 Academy
19.09. Kirov (Russia) – Gaudi Club
20.09. Izhevsk (Russia) – Pinta Club
21.09. Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) – Premio
23.09. Rostov On Don (Russia) – Don Zal
24.09. Krasnodar (Russia) – Arena Hall
26.09. Tallinn (Estonia) – Tapper Club
27.09. St Petersburg (Russia) – Zal Ozhidanya
28.09. Moscow (Russia) – Station Hall
Lähde: Century Media
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.