Nader Sadek julkaisi videon kappaleestaan ”The Serapeum” – vokaalit äänitetty Snefrun pyramidissa Egyptissä

Kuva: Nader Sadek/Universus Art Sherbieny

Egyptiläis-amerikkalainen yhtye Nader Sadek julkaisi videon tulevalta EP.ltään ”The Serapeum”, joka julkaistaan 20.11.2020. Kappale ”The Serapeum: Polluted Watersin” vokaalit on äänitetty Snefrun pyramidin sisällä Dahshurissa, Egyptissä.

Yhtyeen kommentit: ”Every time I think about this project, I literally have to pinch myself. Layers and layers of seeming impossibilities and events only dared conjured by dreams, have manifested themselves into physical reality. Bringing Karl and Derek to Egypt for this project, not to mention Dominic, Shaun [LaCanne of Putride Pile], Ben [Clause of Gorod], Morean [Dark Fortress, Alkaloid], [engineer] Mendel [Bij De Leij], having been brought here via the live shows in Egypt I organized, and of course uniting with my brothers and sister Mahmud, Ahdy [Khairat], Alex, and Nancy, is a miracle in itself. I also managed to sneak audio equipment into the pyramid of Snefru, one of the greatest and first pyramids, and recorded my vocals for an entire song for the very first time there, due to its intentional sound frequency manipulating properties. Drawing inspiration from The Serapeum, whose realization is a far greater mystery than the building of the pyramids, was a testament to the fact that nothing is impossible. Things had a very strange way of aligning themselves. I’m honored and thankful for Decibel premiering this very special documentation of Derek, Karl, and Mahmud in the process of writing the song, as well as my recording process at the ’Red Pyramid.'”


Lähde: Earsplit PR
Kuva: Nader Sadek/Universus Art Sherbieny

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