Machine Head julkisti uudet jäsenet tulevalle ”Evening With/Burn My Eyes” -maailmankiertueelle


Machine Head on vahvistanut uusiksi jäsenikseen Decapitatedin kitaristi Vogg Kieltykan sekä rumpali Matt Alstonin (Devilment, Sanctorum). Kaksikko esittää keulamies Robb Flynnin ja basisti Jared MacEachernin kanssa tulevan ”Evening With/Burn My Eyes” –kiertueen kolmetuntisen konsertin ensimmäisen osuuden. toisessa setissä kuullaan yhtyeen 25 vuoden takainen debyyttilevy ”Burn My Eyes” kokonaisuudessaan albumilla soittaneiden kitaristi Logan Maderin sekä rumpali Chris Kontosin toimesta. Kiertue nähdään myös Suomessa, Helsingin The Circus –salissa 25.5.2020. Lisätiedot linkistä.

Robb Flynn kommentoi:

It is an honor to perform alongside Matt and Vogg, these two are straight up ”elite-level” players, and fucking BEASTS on-stage, I cannot wait for the Head Cases of the world get crushed by the heaviness that they will bring! Let’s do this!

Vogg Kiełtyka lisää:

It’s a huge honour to be able to play at the same stage with the mighty Machine Head. I grew up on their music and when I heard I will join them on this tour, I was literally STOKED!

As a thirteen years old I was learning songs from ”Burn My Eyes” which is still one of my favorite albums EVER, that album had also a big influence on my playing and my guitar skills.

Machine Head is not just a band, it’s an institution who has still a big influence on how all metal scene looks like, so for me as a musician and also a metal fan it’s something special to be able to be a small part of it.

That will be definitely a huge lesson and experience for me to be a part of such a professional team. Adventure begins, I cannot wait!

To all Decapitated fans: I will see with you also during Decapitated shows in 2020. We do plan also to compose new music for next Decapitated album so keep an eye on more news!

Rumpali Matt Alston:

I’m honoured to announce that I will be playing drums for Machine Head for the next world tour cycle alongside Chris Kontos on their ’Burn My Eyes’ 25th Anniversary tour.

It was a pleasure working for MH over last years world tour, but now having the opportunity to be playing their songs is something I never would have imagined while growing up & listening to their music.

Pre-production for the upcoming European tour starts on Monday, needless to say I can’t fucking wait to get on the road!

A huge, HUGE thanks to my brother Steve Lagudi for getting me the opportunity to audition, and of course to Robb, Jared, & the whole MH team for welcoming me into this new position.

Alla katsottavissa uusien soittajien esityksiä bändin harjoitussessioissa:

Lähde ja kuvat: Nuclear Blast

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