Lucifer julkaisi digitaalisena singlenä versionsa Scorpionsin vuoden 1975 kappaleesta “Evening Wind”

Kuva: Peter Beste Photography

Heavy rock –yhtye Lucifer on julkaissut digitaalisena singlenä versionsa Scorpionsin vuoden 1975 “In Trance” –levyltä löytyvästä kappaleesta ‘Evening Wind’. Biisi on ollut aiemmin saatavilla seiskatuumaisen ”California Son” –singlen B-puolella sekä yhtyeen heinäkuussa ilmestyneen ”Lucifer II” –levyn Japanin bonusraitana.

Laulaja Johanna Sadonis kommentoi:

After a great run of festivals this summer here in Europe and the US, we are now excited to hit the clubs on our European fall tour. We are also happy to announce additional Scandinavian dates for December and will come forward with another run of shows for January soon.

We are extremely thrilled to also announce the release of our 70s Scorpions cover ’Evening Wind’, previously released as the B-side for our 7″ single ’California Son’ and as a bonus track of the Japanese edition of our new album “Lucifer II”. Since many have asked we are happy to make the song digitally available for everyone now. The Scorpions are my favorite German band and it was long overdue for me to pay respect to their mighty album ’In Trance’ released in 1975. We hope you dig it! See you soon out on the road!

Single on hankittavissa linkistä.

Kuva: Peter Beste Photography
Lähde: Sony

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