Lost Society julkisti uuden rumpalin

Kuva: Sam Jamsen

Uuden levyn “No Absolution” tulevana perjantaina julkaiseva Lost Society on ilmoittanut pitkäaikaisen rumpalinsa Ossi Paanasen jättävän yhtyeen ja korvaajaksi on rekrytoitu Tapani ”Taz” Fagerström. Yhtyeen uuden levyn ennakkokuuntelu tänään 19.2. The Riff –ravintolassa klo 18. Koko uusi kokoonpano on paikan päällä.

Samy Elbanna kommentoi seuraavaa:

After four successful studio albums and hundreds of crazy shows all around the world, our brother Ossi Paananen has chosen to step down from the drum throne of Lost Society and pursue some different paths in life. Over the last ten years, we have achieved incredible things together, and while we are very saddened to see Ossi leaving our ”braindead gang”, we fully respect his thoroughly considered decision. Needless to say, but we wish Ossi nothing but the best for his future endeavours.

Our new studio album ”No Absolution” will be unleashed on February 21, 2020, and we are getting our steaming engines ready for the extensive tour. Having said that, we are beyond stoked to welcome Tapani ”Taz” Fagerström as the new drummer of Lost Society. Taz has got the talent and the groove and – most importantly – he is anentirely lovely chap.

We have already been rehearsing diligently with Taz, and I simply can’t wait to unleash our insanely energetic live set for our amazing fans all around the globe.

Lost Society -Suomen kiertueen aikataulu:

23.4. Helsinki, Tavastia
30.4. Jyväskylä, Lutakko
1.5. Hyvinkää, Villatehdas
5.6. Tampere, Rockfest
26.6. Helsinki, Tuska Festival

Lost Society 2020:

Samy Elbanna – Vocals & Guitar
Arttu Lesonen – Guitar
Mirko Lehtinen – Bass
Tapani ”Tazzy” Fagerström – Drums

1. No Absolution
2. Mark Upon Your Skin
3. My Prophecy
4. Deliver Me
5. Into Eternity feat Apocalyptica
6. Artificial
7. Nonbeliever
8. Blood On Your Hands
9. Worthless
10. Pray For Death
11. Outbreak (No Rest For The Sickest)

Kuva: Sam Jämsen

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.