Lords Of Black julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Maker Of Nothingness”, joka on yhtyeen albumin ”Alchemy Of Souls, Part II” avauskappale.
”Truth and values out the window and justice and freedom with them…when an invisible and dreadful spirit that slowly but steadily invades everything, draining us and leading us to nihilism… yet we all can defeat it by just doing the best we can as humans…the time is now, before it’s too late.” kertoo Tony Hernando.

1. Prelude (Alchimia Confessio 1458 A.D.)
2. Maker Of Nothingness
3. What’s Become Of Us
4. Bound To You
5. Before That Time Can Come
6. Mind Killer
7. Death Dealer
8. Prayers Turned To Whispers
9. In A Different Light
10. How Long Do I Have Now
11. Fated To Be Destroyed
12. No Hero Is Homeless
13. Sympathy (Uriah Heep cover)
- Ronnie Romero – vocals
- Tony Hernando – guitars
- Dani Criado – bass
- Jo Nunez – drums
Lähde: Frontiers
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.