Lord Of The Lost julkaisi uuden singlen “Not My Enemy”


Lord Of The Lost julkaisi uuden singlen “Not My Enemy”. Kappaleen kaikki tuotot menevät Ukrainan tilanteen tukemiseen ja hyväntekeväisyyteen.

”What’s happening in the world right now is not a war of people. It’s a war of the authorities. Civilians of different backgrounds are dying and suffering because of this war – inside Ukraine and outside. No human being chooses before birth within which borders they will be born. No border, which is held, moved or broken by the bloodhounds of the autocrats of this world, is worth that sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers hate each other and that innocent children are born and raised into these paradigms and ideologies. This hatred does not begin in a conflict like this, fueled by censorship, information warfare, and fake news – this hatred begins in the minds of each of us, as well as in the comment columns of increasingly anti-social networks. Especially in days like these, as well as in the years to come, it is even more important to understand that the only thing that separates us is what we allow to happen, yet at the core, everything unites us.

You’re not my enemy, you’re a part of me. You’re not my enemy, wherever you come from, whatever you look like and whatever you believe in. You’re not my enemy!

This song was created as an immediate reaction from us, shortly after the attack on Ukraine. We produced and released it as soon as possible in the hopes that it would touch and make people think. If even one person is reached with it, it was already worth it.”

Lähde: Napalm Records

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