Jinjerin uusi musiikkivideo ”Home Back” katsottavissa


Jinjer on ilmoittanut julkaisevansa musiikkivideot kaikista tuoreimman ”Macro”-albumin kappaleista. Viimeisimpänä katsottavissa on video “Home Back”.

Eugene Abdukhanov kommentoi:

War… War never changes and it never stops. No matter how much grief, misery, suffering and pain it brings there will always be individuals who either reap the benefits or just relish in it’s power. They will drive others to march and kill in the name of… for the sake of… if we look really closer… nothing. It is really hard for me to embrace how people in 21st century still believe that there is something to fight for on any battlefield. We all depend on a few major economies in the world and their national currencies. We all are at keystrokes length through the Internet. Andyet… every day people are driven to kill their true brothers and sisters on our one and common land we call Earth. Then 2020 comes around and there is a glimmer of hope that this might be a turning point. That a common threat will unite all of us and this might be the beginning of a new era… but no. They still march and kill. Every war is a tragedy and a crime against the humanity in my opinion. No matter what your beliefs or ideologies are, nothing justifies taking homes, health and lives of innocent children who inevitably suffer in every military conflict. Imagine hundreds of thousands of refugee children around the globe screaming at once: I want my home back!

Videon ohjasivat Ingwar Dovgoteles ja Lina Volokhova.

Lähde ja kuva: Napalm Records

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.