Issa julkaisi ”The Way Out” -musiikkivideon


Norjalainen melodista hard rockia soittava Issa on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon ”The Way Out”.

Kappale on yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta “Queen of Broken Hearts”, joka julkaistaan 12.3.3021 (Frontiers Music Srl.).

Vokalisti Issa kertoo: ”The album’s vocals were recorded right here where I live now in beautiful York, England. I really loved using the scenery around us to make the video for ’Angels Calling’ too! When recording the album, I found that I enjoyed the more challenging vocal lines where I can use my voice in ways I haven’t before, I love playing with vocal sounds and this album had more than enough headroom for that! ”Queen Of Broken Hearts” is more symphonic than my previous records and if I can compare it to anything, I think my first album ”Sign Of Angels” would be somewhere near it, except that I have 10 years more knowledge to put into it.”

Issa “Queen of Broken Hearts”

  1. Angels Calling
  2. The Way Out
  3. The Night It Rained Forever
  4. I’m Here To Stay
  5. Blue
  6. Queen Of Broken Hearts
  7. Derive
  8. Without Love
  9. Wait For Love
  10. After The Rain
  11. Die For A Life With You


  • Issa Oversveen – Vocals
  • Simone Mularoni – Guitars
  • Andrea Torricini, bass
  • Alessandro Del Vecchio – Keyboards
  • Marco Di Salvia – Drums

Lähde: Frontiers
Kuva: Kuvakaappaus

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