Hail Spirit Noir julkaisi yksityiskohtia tulevasta levystään ”Eden In Reverse” – levytraileri myös julki


Kreikkalainen psykedeelistä ja progressiivista metallia soittava Hail Spirit Noir julkaisi yksityiskohtia tulevasta levystään ”Eden In Reverse” (Agonia Records). Bändin järjestyksessään neljäs albumi julkaistaan 19.6.2020.


Bändi kommentoi: ”This is the album we’ve spent the most time on. We started off doing some experiments without any idea where they could lead to. After the first 3-4 tracks, we realized we were onto something new for the band. We were no longer in the 60s-70s zone but more in the 70s-80s. The songs sounded retro-futuristic and surreal but they were also more prog, psychedelic and challenging than ever. In the lyrics, we re-wrote the story of Eden from a surreal, Richard Dawkins-esque, Darwinian point of view. The result was Eden in Reverse”.

1. Darwinian Beasts
2. Incense Swirls
3. Alien Lip Reading
4. Crossroads
5. The Devil’s Blind Spot
6. The First Ape on New Earth
7. Automata 1980
8. Incense Swirls (Synthwave Remix)*
9. Ever-shifting Tunnels (Bonus)*

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hail-Spirit-Noir-260062670728238
Bandcamp: https://hailspiritnoir.bandcamp.com
Bigcartel: hailspiritnoir.bigcartel.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6HK5pC1FGCKGzecISEYB38

Haris – synths
Theoharis – guitars, vocals
J. Demian – bass, acoustic guitars
Sakis Bandis – synths
Cons Marg – vocals
Foivos Chatzis – drums

Agonia Records:
Website: http://agoniarecords.com
Webshop: http://tinyurl.com/agoniashop
Facebook: https://facebook.com/agoniarecords
Twitter: https://twitter.com/agoniarecords
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/agoniarecords
Bandcamp: https://agoniarecords.bandcamp.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/agoniarecordsofficial
YouTube: http://youtube.com/AgoniaRec


Lähde: Agonia Records
Kuva: Hail Spirit Noir

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