Kanadalainen Iron Asparagus vastaili Metalliluolan kysymyspatteristoon. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alla.

Bändin nimi: Iron Asparagus
Yhtyeen genre: Crash Metal (We’re the Sons of Mama Metal and Papa Thrash)
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu: Johnny Savage: guitar and vocal / Étienne Côté : drum / Jocelyn Maheux: bass guitar
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Yhtyeenne esikuvat: There’s a lot, from Black Sabbath to Pantera and everything in between, so in our menu, you will find spices from Metallica, Slayer, RATM, Nirvana, Judas Priest, Maiden and Megadeth
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina: The origin of the band name:
An iron asparagus was a spear used by some sedentary tribes. The iron tip, reminiscent
of the head of an asparagus, was carved to cause more damage in close combat than a
traditional spearHistory of the band:
At first, Iron was a way for me to spit my riffs while drinking beer. With several liters of hops, songs formed. Good enough for me to offer them some serious work. My relatives started humming them. The time came to get some of them out of my head, to make space for others. I contacted a good drummer and I have a friend who plays like an ace, he did the solos. I did the rhythm and the bass. To be honest, I was thinking of going back to work until the next EP. But the songs are well received, so we’re going to work on bringing it all to the stage
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on: In the short term, we want to spit our riffs on stage and record a 2nd EP as soon as possible. I’m not looking too far ahead, I’m driving fast and staying focused in the moment
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on: Savage writes the songs, and the band plays them until everyone is happy with their own parts and the overall structure
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla: Each of us has a course under our shoes, but the Asparagus are fresh. The first concert will arrive in 2023. The two songs we have released have been very well received so far. As soon as we get back from Christmas break, I’ll sit down with Miss Dale (Metal Music Booking) and we’ll plan the next few months. We’ll keep you in touch!
Uusimman levynne nimi: Our first EP will be released in February 2023 and is called ”To whom it may concern… Fuck you !”
Avatkaa uuden levynne/julkaisunne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut sen inspiraationa ja miten tuotos on syntynyt: To get into the mood, just before recording with the guys, I went back to Chaos AD (Sepultura) and NOLA (Down). Two albums I listened to a lot back in the day. The solid attitude of these albums gets me in shape. Regarding the texts, injustice is one of the things that touches me. Politics too. Human stupidity. Our weaknesses are a great source of inspiration. I am still far from a love song, but it will come. Probably on the 5th album
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa: I wouldn’t say no to Metallica for the M72 with Pantera at my place at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal (I don’t have the money to pay for a ticket, I put it all in the EP, so I could not be there, ha, ha, ha!). Otherwise, a tour with new bands like ours would be really cool
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi: I’m rather extreme these days. At least more extreme than my band. I really like the new Autopsy. So I choose The Voracious One. Fucking riff.
Black Cicle is also a big crush of 2022. I love their raw production. The blood-curdling atmosphere. The vocals and guitar melody in Channeling Old Power… Wow!
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt: Everything with a Baritone guitar. It has been my favourite toy for some time, and I also like to listen to it. Both in Metal and in Western folk
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne: It is a raw production. With very little modification in the mix. It’s an artistic choice that doesn’t please everyone and that’s okay. I think the next recordings will be a bit like that too. And in a few years I’ll end up working with a producer and they’ll say I’m a dirty sellout, ha, ha, ha!
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille: Hey Metalheads! We hope you enjoy our music. If you’re here, it means you have good taste, so it would be an honour for us!
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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.